
As supercar enthusiasts, we are involved in a number of special events each year where supercar owners come together to share their passion for these unique vehicles. One of the events we most look forward to on the calendar every year is the Best of Italy race, and this year is no different. This event allows car and motorbike enthusiasts to take in the sights and sounds through the scenic, winding roads of the Italian countryside, stopping off along the way to take in the best music, food, and culture that Italy has to offer. As one of the most exciting events on our calendar, Supercar Service were happy to provide our support this year, as we have every year since launch in 2016.

What is the Best of Italy Race?

This year’s race took place between April 27th and May 1st and followed a carefully planned 1200km route, visiting 10 towns from Venice to Monte Carlo. As the first Best of Italy Race since 2020, the demand for this event was inevitably high. In fact, the tour was fully booked more than 4 months in advance by excited supercar, hypercar and superbike owners. The tour gives you a chance to take your vehicle on the journey of a lifetime through some historic towns and lets you see some unforgettable sights along the way.

Where did the Best of Italy Race take place?

The Best of Italy Race involves 10 towns in 4 days throughout Northern Italy before finishing in Monte Carlo. The tour followed this schedule:

  • With the option of early arrival in Salsomaggiore, the tour officially began on Thursday April 28th, travelling through Busseto and on to the iconic city of Venice where the first night was spent.
  • The second day involves travelling through Maranello, the home of Ferrari, with the chance of taking in all the history of The Prancing Horse. The convoy then continued onto Cremona, taking in the music and history of the town before settling down for the second night.
  • The third day of the tour proceeded through the mountains towards the northern coast, stopping in Santa Margherita and visiting Portofino to enjoy a boat trip around the bay, before travelling along the coach to Sanremo on the French border for the final night.
  • The final day of the trip involved visiting the medieval village of Eze, before concluding the trip in Monaco, driving along the iconic F1 circuit and enjoying a final drinks reception where everyone was able to say their goodbyes and reflect on this unforgettable experience.

How were Supercar Service involved in the Best of Italy Race?

Our expert team at Supercar Service provided our support to drivers along the way with any technical issues they had and arranged for the transport and servicing of the cars of our clients to ensure they were fully prepared for the trip. We equipped ourselves with diagnostic computers and other important tools to assist with any breakdowns that occurred along the 1200km route. With six of our clients keen to get involved, we helped organise logistics and transport for them to take part, as well as servicing and checking over their cars before and after the event to make sure everything went to plan.

As supercar enthusiasts, we are always happy to discuss any problems our clients are having with their vehicle, and we have the latest equipment and technology available to us to carry out maintenance or repairs. If you require Supercar Service’s assistance for your high-end car, give us a call on 0203 701 5756 or email and we would be happy to discuss your query.